Dear Academy Members:

As some of you have may have read in prior AACN listserv emails and in the February 2024 AACN Board of Directors (BOD) meeting minutes, AACN has been actively seeking viable options to replace the listservs we have been hosting through Google Groups since 2009. I am excited to inform you that after extensive research and testing, that the AACN BOD has unanimously approved the transition of our 7 AACN listservs from Google Groups to a new website-based online discussion forum. Before explaining this new platform further and the timeline for this transition, it is important that we clearly explain the reasons for this change, the numerous advantages of doing so, and how this will require some initial adjustments on everyone’s end.

To begin with, AACN literally has no choice but to make a change because with 7 active listservs we have been running into resource limits that Google’s platform cannot always handle. With the expected continued growth of AACN, we will soon reach a point where operating all of our listservs on Google Groups is unsustainable. Another problem is that when using Google Groups, we are dependent on a third party company that has no formal relationship to AACN and thus cannot make customized enhancements and modifications at our request. In addition, Google has not done much to enhance the Google Groups platform over time and the company has a history of ending certain products it no longer wants to support. Another issue is that Google Groups requires people to have a Google account in order to access the web-based interface (e.g., archives), which some members do not like. Some employers such as VAs, military hospitals, and some hospitals with strict settings do not allow access to the Google web-based interface. 

In addition to the technical problems mentioned above, AACN needs more fine-tuned controls, particularly with respect to moderation because Google Groups only allows for people to be banned or suspended and for a listserv to be shut down entirely if problems emerge. The latter approach was particularly unpopular with some members last year and we would like to avoid this if at all possible.

After exploring online communication platforms offered by other companies besides Google, we were initially unable to find an adequate replacement that met our needs. It became evident that we were going to need a platform that was custom-made for AACN. This would normally be a cost-prohibitive expense given the size and scope of the project. Fortunately, AACN has the services of Dr. Rob Davis and his team, Cerebral Consulting, who created a new website-based online discussion platform for AACN. The platform can host many separate discussion groups similar to the 7 AACN listservs. This platform was initially tested for several weeks by the Executive Committee and was subsequently tested for a month by the BOD, including on multiple devices such as smartphones. Changes and modifications were made during the testing phase to get the platform to our liking.

The new platform will require members to login to the AACN website to access it, read posts, and to reply. By hosting the platform internally, we are no longer dependent on Google and we can customize it as needed over time. You will be able to receive messages to your email inbox but you will not be able to send messages directly from your email account. Instead, you must be logged in to the forum to send a message. Creating a message and replying is as easy as pushing a button and all topics will be organized by topic area. You will still be able to customize your delivery preferences such as individual and digest format. You will be able to use emojis, customize text, insert images, and add non-copyrighted attachments. The BOD has been assured that this new platform provides us with greater privacy and security than Google Groups. You will be able to search the forum with keywords and by author name.

This new platform will also permit AACN the flexibility of a softer approach to moderation. For example, rather than shutting down an entire listserv, a particular discussion thread could be paused or slowed down temporarily. It is hoped that the need to do this is very limited as the BOD has recently passed new rules and guidelines for AACN online discussion forums that permit more leeway for discussion while still maintaining high standards for civil discourse. Users will be able to flag a post for concern which would then be reviewed by one of the Listserv Management Teams.

The implementation plan is tentatively scheduled to take place over a course of 5 weeks but may be extended depending on if any unexpected technical issues arise. The order for listserv transition would be as follows (Week 1: Forensic SIG), Week 2 (Pediatric SIG), Week 3 (Pediatric Subspecialist, AACN, & MNC), Week 4 (Community Discussion), and Week 5 (BRAIN). Week 1 is scheduled to begin on 4/15/24.

Note that this change will require anyone who is not current with member dues to renew in order to join the new online discussion forum.

In the near future, you will receive further instructions on how to begin using this new discussion forum, how to ask questions, and how to provide feedback. While no one should expect it to be perfect from the outset, adjustments will be made over time to make necessary improvements. We will be most appreciative of your understanding and patience as we make this transition and aim for it to be complete (or mostly complete) by the time of the June AACN Conference. 

Dominic A. Carone, PhD, ABPP
President, AACN

Rob Davis, PhD, ABPP, MS
Information Technology Manager, AACN


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