Prevalence of Neurocognitive Impairment in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis – A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the prevalence of neurocognitive impairment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

2. Understand the factors that moderate the prevalence of neurocognitive impairment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Pankowski, D., Wytrychiewicz-Pankowska, K., Pisula, E., & Fal, A. M. (2024). Prevalence of neurocognitive impairment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1–21.

Influence of Social Determinants of Health and Adversity on Computerized Neurocognitive Assessment

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe how adversity affects cognition and performance on baseline neurocognitive assessment among athletes.

2. Understand how social determinants of health may attenuate individual demographic factors, including race, on computerized neurocognitive testing.

Lemke, J., D’Alessio, A. S., Briggs, F. B. S., & Bailey, C. (2024). Influence of social determinants of health and adversity on computerized neurocognitive assessment. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1–20.

Diagnosis Coding of Neurocognitive Disorders

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the structure of the ICD-10-CM and the rules and conventions of diagnosis coding, as relevant to neurocognitive disorders.

2. Learn to use the ICD-10-CM directly and accurately to code neurocognitive disorders, neurocognitive signs and symptoms, and etiologies underlying neurocognitive disorders.

Uysal, S. (2024). Diagnosis coding of neurocognitive disorders. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1–16.

Neuropsychological assessment, intervention, and best practices for women with non-central nervous system cancer: A scoping review of current standards

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand how women’s cognitive ability may be differentially impacted by cancer and its treatment and understand unique psychosocial stressors for women with breast and gynecological cancers.

2. Appreciate the best approach when clinicians are assessing women who are undergoing or have undergone cancer treatment for non-central nervous system cancer, including the status of available research.

VanLandingham, H. B., Ellison, R. L., Turchmanovych-Hienkel, N., Alfonso, D., Oh, A., Kaseda, E. T., … Khan, H. (2024). Neuropsychological assessment, intervention, and best practices for women with non-Central nervous system cancer: A scoping review of current standards. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1–32.

Gender differences in the associations of psychosocial trauma and acute medical stressors with immune system activation and dementia risk

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the complex relationships among gender, stressors associated with immune system activation, and cognitive dysfunction/decline.

2. Discuss the need for more investigation into these relationships.

Logue, E., Hilsabeck, R. C., & Melamed, E. (2024). Gender differences in the associations of psychosocial trauma and acute medical stressors with immune system activation and dementia risk. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1–21.

Interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessment: Clinical considerations and recommendations from the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN)

Learning Objectives:

1. Analyze clinical, ethical, and diagnostic dilemmas when conducting interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessments.

2. Prepare and administer an interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessment informed by good practice and working principles.

Nielsen, T. R., Franzen, S., Watermeyer, T., Jiang, J., Calia, C., Kjærgaard, D., … Mukadam, N. (2024). Interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessment: Clinical considerations and recommendations from the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1–31.

Environmental predictors of children’s executive functioning development

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe different developmental trajectories of executive functioning (EF) skills from early childhood to early adolescence identified in this study.

2. Describe associations between different risk and protective factors and different EF trajectories from early childhood to early adolescence.

Lynch, J. D., Xu, Y., Yolton, K., Khoury, J. C., Chen, A., Lanphear, B. P., … Epstein, J. N. (2024). Environmental predictors of children’s executive functioning development. Child Neuropsychology30(4), 615–635.

The Multifaceted Role of Neuropsychology in Pediatric Solid Organ Transplant: Preliminary Guidelines and Strategies for Clinical Practice

Learning Objectives:

1. To describe how solid organ failure and associated transplantation can impact early development and neuropsychological functioning in children and adolescents.

2. To provide preliminary guidelines for clinical practice to pediatric neuropsychologists who work with children and adolescents with solid organ transplantation histories.

Turner, E. M., Cassidy, A. R., Rea, K. E., Smith-Paine, J. M., & Wolfe, K. R. (2024). The multifaceted role of neuropsychology in pediatric solid organ transplant: preliminary guidelines and strategies for clinical practice. Child Neuropsychology30(3), 503–537.