The 2022 Journal Impact Factors (JIFs) suggest that all journals (including TCN) seem to have experienced a decline in JIF from last year. Fortunately, TCN continues to rank the highest among the major neuropsychology journals, with the gap between TCN and other journals increasing.

The Clinical Neuropsychologist (TCN) serves as the premier forum for (1) state-of-the-art clinically-relevant scientific research, (2) in-depth professional discussions of matters germane to evidence-based practice, and (3) clinical case studies in neuropsychology. Of particular interest are papers that can make definitive statements about a given topic (thereby having implications for the standards of clinical practice) and those with the potential to expand today’s clinical frontiers (e.g., introduction of a disorder that is typically not under the purview of clinical neuropsychology, yet presents with neurocognitive sequelae; introduction of new assessment or intervention tools). Research on all age groups, and on both clinical and normal populations, is considered.