Non-Certified Affiliate Status

Non-certified affiliate status in AACN includes multiple benefits:

Anyone interested in clinical neuropsychology and the educational offerings of AACN may become a non-certified affiliate. Non-certified affiliate status does not require board certification in clinical neuropsychology. We welcome international colleagues!

To become a non-certified affiliate, please complete the application form and then pay annual dues.

Please note that non-certified affiliate status does not include listing in the AACN directory, a professional credential, or access to AACN voting, review, or examination activities.

Non-certified affiliates should not cite their AACN status in any way that suggests that they have been, or are in the process of becoming board certified. AACN affiliation should be listed as follows: “Non-Certified Affiliate.” The term “non-certified” is required to avoid misleading readers who do not understand how board certification works in our field. Inaccurately representing affiliate status in AACN in a way that states or implies that it reflects a credential or added qualification could result in loss of membership and privileges associated with affiliate status.