Discussion Forums

Please note that we are migrating from Google Groups to an AACN website hosted forum for each of the seven groups below in April – May 2024. Links and wording will be updated on this page as the migration ensues. The word “forum” will be used in place of “list” or “listserv.”

* Denotes a Google Group that has not yet migrated to an AACN website forum.

AACN hosts seven discussion forums:

  1. The AACN Forum, which is open to active and senior members of AACN. All participants in this forum are board certified in clinical neuropsychology with ABCN.
  2. The AACN Pediatric Subspecialist Forum, which is open to active and senior members of AACN who have achieved subspecialty certification in pediatric neuropsychology with ABCN.
  3. The AACN Community Discussion list, which is open to AACN active, senior, and student members, as well as non-certified affiliates.*
  4. The AACN Forensic Neuropsychology Special Interest Group (SIG) Forum, which is open to AACN active, senior, and student members, as well as non-certified affiliates.
  5. The AACN Pediatric Subspecialty Interest Group (SIG) Forum, which is open to AACN active, senior, and student members, as well as non-certified affiliates.
  6. The BRAIN (Be Ready for ABPP in Clinical Neuropsychology) list, which is open to those pursuing board certification in clinical neuropsychology.*
  7. The AACN Minnesota Conference Discussion list, which is a topic-based list and is open to all current AACN members and non-certified affiliates.

These forums are designed to stimulate exchange of ideas and knowledge that is directly relevant to neuropsychological practice or research. The forums represent a professional community, and there is an expectation at all times that members will display mutual respect and civility. All members are expected to follow these eight rules when posting in an AACN forum: 

  1. Keep it clean and courteous.
  2. Focus on neuropsychology, not societal debates (e.g., politics, religion).
  3. Except for announcements of training or job openings, forum postings should not be shared externally without the explicit permission of the author(s) of the post and any copied prior posts.
  4. Respect patient confidentiality.
  5. Respect copyright.
  6. Be transparent.
  7. Keep science central.
  8. Limit commercial ads, including ads for non-AACN events.