Relevance 2050 Grant Award Request for Applications


The Relevance 2050 Committee of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN) is pleased to announce a request for proposals to be considered competitively for funding available through a one-time AACN grant award.  A single one-year grant of up to $10,000 is available for an innovative project that supports the mission of the Relevance 2050 Committee. By the year 2050, 60% of the American population will not be testable with our current neuropsychological toolkit of instruments normed primarily on mono-linguistic/mono-cultural English-speaking European American populations. The Relevance Committee seeks to help maintain the relevance of clinical neuropsychology as a healthcare specialty in this rapidly diversifying landscape. The primary goal of this award is to facilitate the development of an interactive platform for multi-cultural/multi-linguistic norms for open access cognitive tests.


Candidates must:

  • Be a current active, affiliate, or student member of AACN.
  • Develop a project that is innovative, feasible, and has demonstrable potential to meet the need of providing multi-cultural/multi-linguistic norms.
  • Commit to presenting the awarded project at the annual AACN meeting within two calendar years of the award date.


  • Completed application face page.
  • Brief abstract (max. 400 words) of the proposed project.
  • Detailed project plan, not to exceed four pages, including (as applicable) specific aims, background, significance, innovation, design, methods, project timeline, and bibliography.
  • Copy of current CV OR NIH Biosketch for PI
  • Detailed budget


In addition to assessing whether the applicant met the eligibility requirements listed above, each proposal will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Significance