Please click on the Register Now link at the top of the page or on this direct link:
In-person registration will remain open until June 14, 2025. Virtual-only registration will remain open until July 14, 2025.
Wi-Fi is available in the conference area to all registered attendees. We will update this FAQ item once we have the network name and passcode from the hotel closer to June 2025.
Yes, you may certainly do so! Anyone registered for the conference may attend all of the sessions regardless of status (e.g., trainee, licensed, board certified, etc.). Moreover, we strongly encourage all attendees to complete the workshop evaluation forms even if they do not need CE. AACN greatly values input from its student/trainee attendees and members.
No problem! Anyone currently registered may login to our website and then click on Conference & CE -> Conference 2025 -> My Registration.
On that page, you will see your registration details. Click on the link (“Click to Edit”), then make any needed changes. Click on Update to save your changes.
No problem! Anyone currently registered may login to our website and then click on Conference & CE -> Conference 2025 -> My Registration.
On that page, you will see your registration details. Click on the link (“Click to Edit”), then make any needed changes. Click on Update to save your changes.
If you will attend the live event, you will indicate this preference when you register and select the workshops and events that you want to attend at that time. If you need to make changes later, you may do so.
For the virtual component, no such selections are necessary: all of the CE workshops will be available to you.
Registration of either type includes access to 100% of the workshops (pre-recorded for virtual, in-person for in-person). One may mix and match without limits between in-person and virtual. The only requirement is that to attend any in-person workshops, one must select the in-person registration type and select the workshop(s) one wants to attend in-person. Even if one attends only, say, two in-person workshops and consumes the rest of them virtually, we still need to have that information for room selection and seating capacity.
You may pick up your badge whenever the Help Desk is open:
- Wednesday, June 11 (3:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
- Thursday, June 12 (7:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
- Friday, June 13 (7:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
- Saturday, June 14 (8:00 AM – 9:30 AM)
We welcome many international attendees every year! To request an invitation letter, please visit this page.
Yes! We have up to two rooms available for this purpose. Please stop by the Help Desk for a key.
Yes! Your AACN 2025 Conference registration includes a delicious daily breakfast buffet on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings. Additionally, there are coffee and snack breaks during the mid-morning and mid-afternoon on Thursday and Friday, and one during the mid-morning on Saturday.
The virtual workshops will be available on our website beginning Wednesday, June 11, 2025. They will remain available until three months after the conclusion of the in-person conference (September 14, 2025).
Each person who registers for the conference has a QR code representing the person’s registration details. Think of it like a boarding pass for a flight. You may show the QR code on your smartphone’s screen or display a printed copy (again, just like a boarding pass). The QR code will be printed on your name badge if you’re attending the in-person conference. QR codes do not apply to virtual attendees.
For the workshops that offer CE credit, we will be recording attendance. Simply show your QR code to one of our student assistants, and it will be scanned. That’s it!
To receive continuing education credit for an in-person workshop, you must (1) have your attendance recorded as described above and (2) complete a post-workshop evaluation form. Once you do so, you will receive a CE certificate by email, and it will be stored in your AACN website account.
Yes! The online conference message board is available to those who are registered for the conference and logged into our website.
Here are links to the pages with our agenda, workshop abstracts, and poster abstracts. Kindly note that we are no longer providing printed copies of these materials to reduce costs and our environmental impact. However, you may opt to receive a printed copy of the agenda for an additional $25 fee when registering on our website. Printed copies of the agenda will not be available on-site to purchase; they may only be ordered when registering on our website. All orders must be received by 11:59 PM ET on Sunday, June 8, 2025.
We will post this information as soon as we receive it!
The virtual and in-person workshops are essentially identical in terms of content. However, the in-person workshops will include a Q&A period and a short break. As a result, the virtual workshops are slightly longer in length due to an absence of Q&A and a break. The APA requires that virtual (“home study”) CEs approximate the full credited time.
Maximum poster dimensions are 3’ high x 4’ wide. Posters may be mounted beginning at 4:30 PM on Thursday, June 12, 2025.
A total of 79 CE credits may be earned through the conference. This total reflects the sum of 24 workshops for 3 CEs, four workshops for 1.5 CEs, and one workshop for 1 CE. Such a total would be possible to obtain if one attends and completes the CE requirements for every workshop. How motivated are you? 😀
Please be sure to check your state/province/territory’s requirements regarding continuing education.
Yes! The American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Please note that APA treats live events differently from pre-recorded ones. The virtual component of this year’s conference will count as “home study” for CE purposes, whereas the live component will not have that designation. Please be sure to check your state/province/territory’s requirements regarding continuing education. Additionally, we are required to assess learning for “home study” offerings. This means that one must pass a quiz at 75% or above for each virtual workshop in order to receive CE credit. Each registrant receives three attempts, and feedback on correct/incorrect answers is provided after each attempt.
Yes! As of May 28, 2021, The American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists (#PSY-0094).
Please note that NY State treats live events differently from pre-recorded ones. The virtual component of this year’s conference will count as “home study” for CE purposes, whereas the live component will not have that designation.
Effective January 1, 2021, the State of New York began requiring each Licensed Psychologist to complete 36 hours of approved continuing education courses for each triennial registration period.
After attending a live conference event, you will complete an evaluation form. The date on the CE certificate will be the date of the live event.
By contrast, after you view a pre-recorded workshop, you will need to pass a quiz based on the content and complete an evaluation form. (These are required for “home study” CE offerings.) Once you do so, the date on the CE certificate will be the day that you passed the quiz and completed the evaluation form.
After you view the pre-recorded content, you will complete a CE evaluation form that includes some quiz questions. When you complete it successfully, the certificate will display the date on which you completed the form, not the date on which the video first became available or when you viewed it.
AACN is pleased to again offer all-in-one pricing for the 2025 Conference. As such, your registration fee provides access to 100% of the conference content, including the live conference events and the pre-recorded CE workshops. Recordings will become available in June 2025 and will remain so for three months after the conclusion of the conference (i.e., September 2025). Registration also includes access to the breakfast buffet on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings for in-person attendees plus coffee and snack breaks.
Attendees will have access to the pre-recorded content and live Q&A material during the conference and for up to three months after its conclusion (i.e., September 2025). This interval will provide plenty of time to view and enjoy all of the material. We do not allow any recordings to be saved, although you are welcome and encouraged to keep your copy of the workshop handouts.
Not at all! AACN welcomes members and non-members to its conference every year. Current AACN active, senior, and student members, as well as non-certified affiliates, receive discounted rates on conference registration. You are welcome to join AACN as a student member or non-certified affiliate to enjoy the same savings!
AACN receives funds from various test companies and publishers to provide financial support for receptions during the conference; however, no financial support is provided for individual workshops that offer CE credit.
Click here to learn more about becoming a sponsor!
If you register for the conference at least two weeks in advance (i.e., before May 28, 2025), you may indicate a need for accessibility or accommodations. We respectfully request two weeks of lead time to help ensure adequate planning and availability of resources.
Please check our newly updated Complaint & Grievance Procedure.
We are ready to listen to your concern. Please click on the below link (Conference Question?) and select the type of inquiry/concern.