The other face of illness-deception: Diagnostic criteria for factitious disorder with proposed standards for clinical practice and research

Learning Objectives:

  1. Compare and contrast the historical development of malingering and factitious disorder.
  2. Explain how the use of validity testing is important to the determination of factitious disorder.

Michael D. Chafetz, Russell M. Bauer & Paige S. Haley (2019) The other face of illness-deception: Diagnostic criteria for factitious disorder with proposed standards for clinical practice and research, The Clinical Neuropsychologist,DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2019.1663265

Executive Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents with Behavior Disorders and Traumatic Brain Injury

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe how executive functions may be disturbed after traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  2. Describe the process of recovery that may be experienced in adolescents at 24 months after TBI.

Kelsey A. Maloney, Adam T. Schmidt, Gerri R. Hanten & Harvey S. Levin (2020). Executive dysfunction in children and adolescents with behavior disorders and traumatic brain injury, Child Neuropsychology, 26:1, 69-82, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2019.1640868

Cognitive development in absence epilepsy during long-term follow-up

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the course of cognitive development in children with absence epilepsy (AE).
  2. Explain reliable change methodology.

Eric L. A. Fonseca Wald, Sylvia Klinkenberg, Twan P. C. Voncken, Saskia C. M. Ebus, Albert P. Aldenkamp, Johan S. H. Vles, R. Jeroen Vermeulen, Jos G. M. Hendriksen & Mariette H. J. A. Debeij-Van Hall (2019). Cognitive development in absence epilepsy during long-term follow-up, Child Neuropsychology, 25:8, 1003-1021, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2019.1614156

AACN Consensus Conference Statement on Uniform Labeling of Performance Test Scores

Learning Objectives:

  1. Summarize the considerations faced in choosing to adopt a particular system for labeling scores, as well as their implications.
  2. Describe the final recommendations for labeling scores that eventuated from the consensus conference and how they vary depending on the type of test used.

Thomas J. Guilmette, Jerry J. Sweet, Nancy Hebben, Deborah Koltai, E. Mark Mahone, Brenda J. Spiegler, Kirk Stucky, Michael Westerveld & Conference Participants (2020) American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology consensus conference statement on uniform labeling of performance test scores, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2020.1722244

Risk Management for Teleneuropsychology

Note: This CE opportunity is free to current AACN members, but a special member discount code must be entered at checkout.

Abstract: In a period of unprecedented restriction of access to neuropsychological care during the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an understandable focus on the logistics of and tools for conducting teleneuropsychology. This webinar assists practitioners in broadening their focus to include navigating the risk management and ethical issues specific to the practice of teleneuropsychology.

Presenters: Munro Cullum, PhD, ABPP, Russell Bauer, PhD, ABPP, Karen Postal, PhD, ABPP, & Daniel Taube, JD, PhD

Learning Objectives:

  1. Assess the progress and limitations of the current state of teleneuropsychology and analyze the reliability and validity of neuropsychological tests delivered via telehealth.
  2. Demonstrate a framework for considering the incremental validity of adding a test in the context of the broader construct of teleneuropsychological assessments.
  3. Apply strategies to engage in meaningful, clear consent conversations in the context of limitations of teleneuropsychological assessment.
  4. Recognize types of assessments that present particular risks when administered in a telehealth setting.

Sustained attention and vigilance of children treated for sagittal and metopic craniosynostosis

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain how to evaluate results from a continuous performance test.
  2. Describe important aspects to consider when assessing neuropsychological functions.
Marizela Kljajić, Giovanni Maltese, Peter Tarnow, Peter Sand & Lars Kölby (2020). Sustained attention and vigilance of children treated for sagittal and metopic craniosynostosis, Child Neuropsychology, 26:4, 475-488, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2019.1682130

Measuring visual matching and short-term recognition memory with the CANTAB® Delayed Matching to Sample task in schoolchildren

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe advantages of regression-based norm data compared to traditional norm calculations for neuropsychological tests.
  2. Explain the effect of varying demographic variables on the norm calculations for one computerized test, i.e., visual recognition- and short-term memory.

Annet Toornstra, Petra P. M. Hurks, Wim Van der Elst, Gerjo Kok & Leopold M. G. Curfs (2020). Measuring visual matching and short-term recognition memory with the CANTAB® Delayed Matching to Sample task in schoolchildren: Effects of demographic influences, multiple outcome measures and regression-based normative data, Child Neuropsychology, 26:2, 189-218, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2019.1642316

A hierarchical model of cognitive flexibility in children: Extending the relationship between flexibility, creativity and academic achievement

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the dimensional nature of cognitive flexibility and the importance of considering its different components during neuropsychological assessment and interventions.
  2. Describe how each flexibility component imposes different demands on executive functions and may differentially contribute to creativity and academic skills.

Vanessa Arán Filippetti & Gabriela Krumm (2020) A hierarchical model of cognitive flexibility in children: Extending the relationship between flexibility, creativity and academic achievement, Child Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2019.1711034

Neurotropic mechanisms in COVID-19 and their potential influence on neuropsychological outcomes in children

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the neurotropic mechanisms in COVID-19 and their potential influence on the integrity of brain functioning in children.
  2. Describe how psychosocial factors related to medical coping may affect young children who historically have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Lois O. Condie (2020) Neurotropic mechanisms in COVID-19 and their potential influence on neuropsychological outcomes in children, Child Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2020.1763938

Addressing the neurodevelopmental needs of children and adolescents with congenital heart disease: A review of the existing intervention literature

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss evidence-based interventions that have been successful in other medical populations and may be appropriate for patients with CHD.
  2. Describe the incidence rates of ADHD in patients with CHD and available treatment approaches.

Jannel M. Phillips & Jennifer N. Longoria (2020). Addressing the neurodevelopmental needs of children and adolescents with congenital heart disease: A review of the existing intervention literature, Child Neuropsychology, 26:4, 433-459, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2019.1682131