Child Neuropsychology Student Paper Awardees
First place winner ($1000 award): Shyfuddin Ahmed
Effect of exposure to maternal diabetes during pregnancy on offspring’s brain cortical thickness and neurocognitive functioning – Shyfuddin Ahmed, Miguel Ángel Cano, Marian Sánchez, Nan Hu & Gladys Ibañez.
Runners-up ($500 award): Sophie Leib and Adam John Privitera
Latent structure of working memory and emotional regulation in pediatric ADHD – Sophie Leib, Steven Miller & Ester Chin.
Inhibitory control as Significant Predictor of Academic Performance in Chinese High Schoolers – Adam John Privitera, Yu Zhou & Xiaoyi Xie.
TCN Student Project Competition Winners
First place winner ($1000 award): I. Aviv
Aviv, I., Shorer, M., Fenning, S., Aviezer, H., Singer-Rarel, D, Apter, A., & Pilowsky Peleg, T. (2023). From Acute Stress to Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms: The Role of Parental Accommodations and Child’s Coping Strategies.
Runners-up ($500 award): M.R. Whitman and M. Gereau Mora
Whitman, M.R., Gervais, R.O., Ben-Porath, Y.S. (2023). Virtuous Victims: Disability Claimants Who Over- and Under-report.
Gereau Mora, M. & Suchy, Y. (2023). Know Thyself: Executive Functioning and Sex Predict Self-appraisal of Functional Abilities in Community-dwelling Older Adults.
First place winner ($1000 award): Jennifer Thompson
Thompson, Jennifer L.; Beltran-Najera, Ilex; Johnson, Briana; Morales, Yenifer; & Woods, Steven Paul. (2022). Evidence for neuropsychological health disparities in Black Americans with HIV disease. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Vol 36 (2), 388-413.
Runners-up ($500 award): Rachel Greene and Jordan Stiver
Greene, Rachel K.; Vasile, Iulia; Bradbury, Kathryn R.; Olsen, Aarika; & Duvall, Susanne W. (2022). Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) elevations in a clinical sample of children and adolescents who do not have autism: Phenotypic profiles of false positives. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, published online ahead of print.
Stiver, Jordan; Staffaroni, Adam M.; Walters, Samantha M.; You, Michelle Y.; Casaletto, Kaitlin B.; Erlhoff, Sabrina J.; Possin, Katherine L.; Lukic, Sladjana; Le Joie, Renaud; Rabinovici, Gil D.; Zimmerman, Molly E.; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; & Kramer, Joel H. (2022). The Rapid Naming Test: Development and initial validation in typically aging adults. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, published online ahead of print.
First place winner ($1000 award):
Marra, David; Hamlet, Kristin, Bauer, Russell, & Bowers, Dawn (2020). Validity of Teleneuropsychology for Older Adults in Response to COVID-19: A systematic and Critical Review. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Vol 34 (7-8), 1411-1452.
Runner-ups ($500 award):
Guayara-Quinn, Crystal; Nester, Caroline, Katz, Mindy; Tuberville, David; Saykin, Andrew; Lipton, Richard, & Rabin, Laura (2021). Re-evaluation of psychometric evidence and update of normative data for the Test of Practical Judgment. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, in press.
Ratajska, Adrianna; Lopez, Francesca; Lauren, Kenney; Jacobson, Charles; Foote, Kelly; Okun, Michael; Bowers, Dawn (2021). Cognitive Subtypes in Individuals with Essential Tremor Seeking Deep Brain Stimulation. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Published online ahead of print.
First Place ($1,000 award):
John W. Lace, Alex F. Grant, Phillip Ruppert, David A. S. Kaufman, Carson L. Teague, Kimberly Lowell & Jeffrey D. Gfeller (2019) Detecting noncredible performance with the neuropsychological assessment battery, screening module: A simulation study, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2019.1694703
Runners Up ($500 award):
David P. Sheppard, Anastasia Matchanova, Kelli L. Sullivan, Saniah Ishtiaq Kazimi & Steven Paul Woods (2020) Prospective memory partially mediates the association between aging and everyday functioning, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 34:4, 755-774, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2019.1637461
Madison A. Niermeyer & Yana Suchy (2020) Walking, talking, and suppressing: Executive functioning mediates the relationship between higher expressive suppression and slower dual-task walking among older adults, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 34:4, 775-796, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2019.1704436
First Place ($1,000 award): Damian Leitner
Leitner, Damian; Miller, Harry; & Libben, Maya (2019). Assessing the Predictive Value of a Neuropsychological Model on Concurrent Function in Acute Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Vol 33 (5).
Runners Up ($500 award): Erin Trifilio and Daniel van Helvoort
Trifilio, Erin; Tanner, Jared; Butterfield, London; Mangal, Paul; Maye, Jacqueline; Marsiske, Michael; Price, Catherine; & Bowers, Dawn (2019). A Tale of Two Stories: Validity of an Alternative Story Memory Test in a Sample of Older Adults. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Vol 33.
van Helvoort, Daniel; Merckelbach, Harald; & Merten, Thomas (2019). The Self-Report Symptom Inventory (SRSI) is Sensitive to Instructed Feigning, but not to Genuine Psychopathology in Male Forensic Inpatients: An Initial Study. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Vol 33.
First Place ($1,000 award): Robert Kanser
Kanser, R., Rapport, L., Bashem, J., & Hanks, R. (2018). Detecting Malingering in Traumatic Brain Injury: Combining Response Time with Performance Validity Test Accuracy. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. Published on line ahead of print.
Runners Up ($500 award): Justin Karr and Dana Rosado
Karr, J., Garcia-Barrera, M., Holdnack, J., & Iverson, G. (2018). Advanced Clinical Interpretation of the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System: Multivariate Base Rates of Low Scores. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 32 (1), 42-53.
Rosado, D., Buehler, S., Botbol-Berman, E., Feigon, M., Leon, A., Luu, H., Carrion, C., Gonzales, M., Rao, J., Grief, T., Seidenberg, M., & Pliskin, N. (2018). Neuropsychological Feedback Services Improve Quality of Life and Social Adjustment. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 32 (3), 422-435.
First Place ($1,000 award): Elizabeth Gromisch
Gromisch, Elizabeth S.; Zemon, Vance; Holtzer, Roee; Chiaravalloti, Nancy D.; DeLuca, John; Beier, Meghan; Farrell, Eileen; Snyder, Stacey; Schairer, Laura C.; Glukhovsky, Lisa; Botvinick, Jason; Sloan, Jessica; Picone, Mary A.; Kin, Sonya & Foley, Frederick W. (2016). Assessing the criterion validity of four highly abbreviated measures from the Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Function in Multiple Sclerosis (MACFIMS). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30(7), 1032
Runners Up ($500 award): Robert Kanser and Paul Ingram
Kanser, Robert J; Rapport, Lisa; Bashem, Jesse R.; Billing, Nia M.; Hanks, Robin A.; Axelrod, Bradley N. & Miller, Justin B. (2017). Strategies of successful and unsuccessful simulators coached to feign traumatic brain injury The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 31(3), 644–653.
Ingram, Paul B. & Ternes, Michael S. (2016). The detection of content-based invalid responding: a meta-analysis of the MMPI-2-Restructured Form’s (MMPI-2-RF) over-reporting validity scales. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30(4), 473–496.
First place ($1,000 award): Phillip Martin
Martin, P. K., Schroeder, R. W., & Odland, A. P. (2015). Neuropsychologists’ validity testing beliefs and practices: A survey of North American professionals. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 29(6), 741-776.
Runners up ($500 award): David Sheppard and Jacob Lafo
Sheppard, D. P., Woods, S. P., Bondi, M. W., Gilbert, P. E., Massman, P. J., & Doyle, K. L. (2015). Does Older Age Confer an Increased Risk of Incident Neurocognitive Disorders Among Persons Living with HIV Disease?. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 29(5), 656-677.
Lafo, J. A., Jones, J. D., Okun, M. S., Bauer, R. M., Price, C. C., & Bowers, D. (2015). Memory Similarities Between Essential Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease: A Final Common Pathway? The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 29(7), 985-1001.
Student Representative to the AACN Board of Directors

Amanda Wisinger, PhD | 2023-2024 |
Tasha Rhoads, PhD | 2022-2023 |
Erin Kaseda, PhD | 2021-2022 |
Katherine Dorociak, PhD | 2020-2021 |
Benjamin Brett, Ph.D. | 2019-2020 |
Angelina Polsinelli, Ph.D. | 2018-2019 |
Joyce Tam, Ph.D. | 2017-2018 |
Seth Margolis, Ph.D. | 2016-2017 |
Stephanie Towns, Psy.D. | 2015-2016 |
Alissa Butts, Ph.D. | 2014-2015 |
Michelle Reinlieb, Ph.D. | 2013-2014 |
Amanda Gooding, Ph.D. | 2012-2013 |
Leslie Guidotti-Breting, Ph.D. | 2011-2012 |