Optimizing neurodevelopmental outcomes following fetal diagnosis of congenital heart disease: a call for primary prevention neuropsychology

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe current practice with respect to diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease (CHD) and its effects on neurodevelopment.

2. Explain how neuropsychologists may help optimize neurodevelopment for children with complex CHD as early as the fetal period, in concept and practice.

Adam R. Cassidy & Alyssa A. Neumann (2023) Optimizing neurodevelopmental outcomes following fetal diagnosis of congenital heart disease: a call for primary prevention neuropsychology, Child Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2023.2190966

Trajectories of neurodevelopment and opportunities for intervention across the lifespan in congenital heart disease

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe existing knowledge of aberrant brain development and brain injury across the lifespan, and understand how these changes relate to neurodevelopmental challenges.

2. Discuss emerging and potential interventions at each developmental stage that have the potential to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Jacqueline H. Sanz, Stephany Cox, Mary T. Donofrio, Nobuyuki Ishibashi, Patrick McQuillen, Shabnam Peyvandi & Sarah Schlatterer (2023) Trajectories of neurodevelopment and opportunities for intervention across the lifespan in congenital heart disease, Child Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2023.2173162

The influence of methylphenidate on sustained attention in pediatric acquired brain injury: a meta-analytical review

Learning Objectives:

1. To evaluate the utility of methylphenidate as a treatment option for neurocognitive late effects (namely sustained attention) in childhood survivors of brain injury.

2. To explore the variability in the effectiveness of methylphenidate based upon ABI subgroup.

Alexander J. Hagan & Sarah J. Verity (2023) The influence of methylphenidate on sustained attention in pediatric acquired brain injury: a meta-analytical review, Child Neuropsychology, 29:5, 710-741, DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2022.2112559

Does training working memory or inhibitory control produce far-transfer improvements in set shifting for children with ADHD? A randomized controlled trial

Learning Objectives:

1. Explain the factor structure of executive functioning in school-aged children and describe how this influences children with ADHD’s set shifting performance.

2. Describe the evidence for efficacy of cognitive training programs on improving set shifting abilities in children with ADHD.

Lauren N. Irwin Harper, Nicole B. Groves, Carolyn L. Marsh, Alissa M. Cole & Michael J. Kofler(2023) Does training working memory or inhibitory control produce far-transfer improvements in set shifting for children with ADHD? A randomized controlled trial,Child Neuropsychology,29:5,825-845,DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2022.2138301