TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Β APA Continuing Education: Telepsychology Best Practices 101 Series Date/Time: On demand Free of charge for limited time The Telepsychology Best Practices 101 training series is an introduction to the ins and outs of real-world telepsychology. Each 2-hour webinar details the competencies needed for telepractice, including critical ethical, legal, clinical, and technical issues, … Read more

Election Ballot for AACN Board of Directors (2025) Dr. Joseph Fink will complete his elected term on the Board of Directors in February 2025. AACN would like to sincerely thank him for his service to the Board and to the field of Clinical Neuropsychology. We are pleased to present several highly qualified, capable candidates across … Read more

AACN is pleased to offer continuing education (CE) credit to those who read an article from Child Neuropsychology (CNY) and pass a quiz based on the content. The following lists the articles eligible for CE credit in Child Neuropsychology. Each quiz passed earns one CE credit. AACN members and affiliates may access the relevant article(s) … Read more

Disruptive Technology Initiative / DTI Tech Tips Virtual Reality: Ready for Prime Time? Author: Leah Ellenberg Disclosures: None Synopsis: Virtual Reality (VR) is an immersive technology that uses computer-generated, 3D-environments, typically through a head-mounted display, that allows human–computer interactions to be more natural and intuitive by immersing individuals in realistic scenes, to obtain greater ecological … Read more

This content is restricted to buyers of The Independent Neuropsychological Evaluation.

Disruptive Technology Initiative / DTI Tech Tips Approaches To Using Digital Technology To Address Diversity Issues In Neuropsychological Assessment Authors:Β Sunderaraman, P. & Porrselvi, A.P. Synopsis:Β The adoption of digital technology in neuropsychological assessment can help address the need for culturally appropriate tools that have sound psychometric properties and can help neuropsychology reach underserved populations around the … Read more

The following list of links will be updated as new information is received. We hope that they will be useful to you during this difficult time. AACN: AACN COVID-19 Survey Responses Marra teleneuropsychology meta-analysis March 2020 APA: Telepsychology Best Practice online webinars are free to all on a temporary basis. Informed consent checklist for telepsychological … Read more

Disruptive Technology Initiative / DTI Tech Tips Institutional-Industry Collaboration for Data Sharing and Research Author: Delis, D.C., Bilder, R.M. Author Disclosures: Delis has received royalty income from Pearson. Bilder has received funding from the National Institutes of Health for research with for-profit organizations, including Pearson and ThinkNow, Inc. He also has received honoraria or consulting … Read more

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