This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Assessment of executive function and attention in children with neurofibromatosis type 1.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Neurocognitive profiles of preterm infants randomly assigned to lower or higher hematrocit thresholds for transfusion.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Working memory influences processing speed and reading fluency in ADHD.
This content is restricted to buyers of Performance on the Test of Memory Malingering in children with neurological conditions.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: A brief primer on sleep for pediatric and child clinical neuropsychologists.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Emotional processing and executive functioning in children and adults with Tourette’s syndrome.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Behavioral problems, cognitive difficulties and quality of life in children with epilepsy: An analysis of parental concerns.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: A comparison of working memory profiles in school-aged children with SLI, ADHD, comorbid SLI and ADHD and their typically developing peers.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Cognitive and behavioral aspects of executive functions in children born very preterm.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Diurnal cortisol rhythm and cognitive functioning in toddlers: The generation R study.