This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Neuropsychological impairments on the NEPSY-II among children with FASD.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: RD, ADHD, and their comorbidity from a dual route perspective.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Executive Functioning and Psychological Adjustment in Children and Youth with Spina Bifida.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Attention and social functioning in children with malformations of cortical development and stroke.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Cognitive and behavioral aspects of executive functions in children born very preterm.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Diurnal cortisol rhythm and cognitive functioning in toddlers: The generation R study.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Fatigue, emotional functioning, and executive dysfunction in pediatric multiple sclerosis.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Sources of data about childrens executive functioning: Review and commentary.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Individual neuropsychological profiles at age 5½ years in children born preterm in relation to medical risk factors.
This content is restricted to buyers of Private: Evaluating Research for Clinical Significance: Using Critically Appraised Topics to Enhance Evidence-based Neuropsychology.