Attorney demands for protected psychological test information: Is access necessary for cross examination or does it lead to misinformation? An Interorganizational Position Paper

Learning Objectives:

1. Be able to articulate reasons why attorneys should not be provided with protected test information.

2. Be able to list reasons why protective orders are not adequately protective of neuropsychological tests.

Kyle Brauer Boone, Paul M. Kaufmann, Jerry J. Sweet, David Leatherberry, Robert A. Beattey Jr, Delia Silva, Tara L. Victor, Rodney P. Boone, Jack Spector, Nancy Hebben, Robin A. Hanks & Joette James (2024) Attorney demands for protected psychological test information: Is access necessary for cross examination or does it lead to misinformation? An interorganizational* position paper, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2024.2323222

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