The Pediatric Subspecialty SIG is open to all interested members of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, including affiliates and student members, at no additional cost. The Pediatric Subspecialty SIG is particularly focused on the interests of pediatric, child-clinical, and lifespan developmental neuropsychologists, as well as the children they see. The goal of the Pediatric … Read more

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Purchase History AACN Website Account Continuing Education Certificates Postal Mailing Address If you have purchased print copies of journals (The Clinical Neuropsychologist or Child Neuropsychology) for the current year and need to change your postal mailing address, please click here. AACN otherwise does not store your postal mailing address; all communications with members are done through email.

This content is restricted to buyers of AACN Conference Registration 2021.

Dear AACN Student Members, Thank you for your interest in attending the 21st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN). AACN is proud to offer scholarships to support attendance to this year’s conference. Applicants must be current AACN student members. The form below will not appear unless you are logged in as … Read more

In 2011, National Institute on Aging and Alzheimer’s Association joint task forces released proposed criteria for Alzheimer’ disease diagnosis. These proposals included revisions to the nearly 30-year-old NINDS-ADRDA criteria for Alzheimer’s diagnosis and added criteria for diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) due to Alzheimer’s disease. The same year the American Psychiatric Association proposed new … Read more

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Four booksΒ in the AACN Psychology Press Series are currently eligible for CE credit. Passing the quiz forΒ Neuropsychological Evaluation of Somatoform and Other Functional Somatic Conditions awards 7 CE credits. The cost to take the quiz is $105 for AACN members and affiliates or $140 for non-affiliates. Passing the quiz forΒ New Frontiers in Pediatric Traumatic Brain … Read more

Welcome to the AACN FNSIG! AACN Forensic SIG Forum As of the most recent count, we have over 500 members in the FNSIG, and we continue to grow every month. Interest in the practice of forensic neuropsychology among neuropsychologists has never been higher, and requests for our services related to legal and administrative proceedings is … Read more