Conference Welcome

Sandra Koffler, PhD, ABPP

Welcome to the Annual Meeting of the AACN!

Lisa Ravdin, PhD, ABPP

It is again our pleasure to welcome you to the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology. This, the 19th Annual Meeting, will likely be memorable for the extraordinary quality and diversity of the conference program. Our Program Chair, Dr. Cheryl A. Luis, has assembled workshops and special educational events consistent with AACN’s promotion of “Excellence in Clinical Practice.” Information of scientific and of practical professional relevance to be found in the program will meet the interests of clinicians, researchers and educators at all levels in their careers. Students will also find interest in presentations regarding professional development, future neuropsychological practice in an age of advancing technology, and a special student series concerning pragmatic issues such as work-life integration and information regarding the peer review process.

Workshops addressing practice issues, forensic evaluations in pediatric and adult populations, functional neuroanatomy, brain disorders resulting from disease or injury, the influence of culture, gender and ethnicity on clinical practice, ethics, and an AACN Special Topics presentation on incorporating diverse racial and cultural perspectives in future training guidelines for clinical neuropsychology, constitute a sample of the available workshops but fail to describe the extent and diversity of the 2021 program.

Each year this letter makes note of the welcoming, congenial atmosphere of the AACN meeting and each year the meeting lives up to these descriptions. It appears to matter little that we increase in numbers; the congeniality and fraternity of the group prevails. It is, therefore, with confidence that I assure you that your time at the meeting will, in fact, be memorable for the extraordinary program, and for your feeling that you are, indeed, welcome.

Sandra Koffler, PhD, ABPP and Lisa Ravdin, PhD, ABPP