The Clinical Neuropsychologist CE

The following lists the articles eligible for CE credit in The Clinical Neuropsychologist. Each quiz passed earns one CE credit. AACN members and affiliates may access the relevant article(s) here. The cost to take each quiz is $15 for AACN members and affiliates or $20 for non-affiliates. This reflects a 25% discount for AACN members and affiliates.

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Differences and Contributors to Global Cognitive Performance in the Underrepresented Latinx Parkinson’s Disease Population2025
Reliability of Direct-to-Home Teleneuropsychological Assessment: a Within-Subject Design Study2025
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: State-of-the-Science Update and Narrative Review2025
Neuropsychological Review of Records in Forensic Cases: An AACN Best Practices Paper With International Perspectives2025
Foundational skills in the assessment and management of suicide risk in neuropsychological practice2025
Associations of Cognitive Test Performance with Self-Reported Mental Health, Cognition, and Quality of Life in Adults with Functional Seizures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2025
The role of cognitive reserve and depression on executive function in older adults: a 10-year study from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention2024
Identifying culturally insensitive tests, stimuli, and assessment practices in neuropsychology: A survey of professionals and trainees2024
Prevalence of Neurocognitive Impairment in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis – A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis2024
Influence of Social Determinants of Health and Adversity on Computerized Neurocognitive Assessment2024
Diagnosis Coding of Neurocognitive Disorders2024
Neuropsychological assessment, intervention, and best practices for women with non-Central nervous system cancer: A scoping review of current standards2024
Gender differences in the associations of psychosocial trauma and acute medical stressors with immune system activation and dementia risk2024
Interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessment: Clinical considerations and recommendations from the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN)2024
Attorney demands for protected psychological test information: Is access necessary for cross examination or does it lead to misinformation? An Interorganizational Position Paper2024
The neuropsychological presentation of women with epilepsy: clinical considerations and future directions2023
Huntington Study Group’s Neuropsychology Working Group Position on Best Practice Recommendations for the Clinical Neuropsychological Evaluation of Patients with Huntington Disease2023
Clinical Recommendations for Conducting Pediatric Functional Language and Memory Mapping during the Phase I Epilepsy Presurgical Workup2023
Neuropsychological Evaluation of Functional Cognitive Disorder: A Narrative Review2023
Protecting the assessor: sexual harassment in neuropsychology and related training issues2023
Effectiveness of virtual reality-based neuropsychological interventions in improving cognitive functioning in patients with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis2022
TCN LGBTQ+ Survey Study2022
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN) 2021 consensus statement on validity assessment: Update of the 2009 AACN consensus conference statement on neuropsychological assessment of effort, response bias, and malingering2021
Deception is Different: Negative Validity Test Findings Do Not Provide “Evidence” for “Good Effort”2020
InterOrganizational Practice Committee Recommendations/Guidance for Teleneuropsychology (TeleNP) in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic2020
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Consensus Conference Statement on Uniform Labeling of Performance Test Scores2020
The other face of illness-deception: Diagnostic criteria for factitious disorder with proposed standards for clinical practice and research2019
Survey research in neuropsychology: A systematic review2019
Limb apraxia profiles in different clinical samples2019
Survey methods for neuropsychologists: A review of typical methodological pitfalls and suggested solutions2019
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition Digit Span Performance in Subjective Cognitive Complaints, Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Probable Dementia of the Alzheimer Type2019
Conducting neuropsychological assessment with transgender individuals2018
Developing a cultural context for conducting a neuropsychological evaluation with a culturally diverse client: the ECLECTIC framework2018
Performance validity testing in neuropsychology: a clinical guide, critical review, and update on a rapidly evolving literature2017
Determination of the smoking gun of intent: significance testing of forced choice results in social security claimants2017
The statistical crisis in science: how is it relevant to clinical neuropsychology?2017
The effect of stereotype threat on older people’s clinical cognitive outcomes: investigating the moderating role of dementia worry2017
Assessing social cognition: Age-related changes in moral reasoning in childhood and adolescence2017
Associations among parent–child relationships and cognitive and language outcomes in a clinical sample of preschool children2017
Practice effects and longitudinal cognitive change in clinically normal older adults differ by Alzheimer imaging biomarker status2017
Naturalistic tasks performed in realistic environments: a review with implications for neuropsychological assessment2017
Education, training and practice of clinical neuropsychologists in the United States of America2016
Interpreting change on the neurobehavioral symptom inventory and the PTSD checklist in military personnel2016
Expert beliefs and practices regarding neuropsychological validity testing2016
The Relative Utility of Three English Language Dominance Measures in Predicting the Neuropsychological Performance of HIV+ Bilingual Latino/a Adults2016
Effects of screening for postconcussive syndrome (PCS) on PCS symptom self-report and neuropsychological test performance2016
Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis: A Review and Neuropsychological Case Study2016
Official Position of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN): Guidelines for Practicum Training in Clinical Neuropsychology2015
Neuropsychologists' Validity Testing Beliefs and Practices: A Survey of North American Professionals2015
Neuropsychological Findings in a Case of Punding Before and After Cessation of Pramipexole2015
Utility of the Standardized Assessment of Concussion (STAC) to detect insufficient effort in independent medical examinations and civil litigation cases2015
Integrating Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging for a Referral of Possible Pseudodementia: A Case Report2015