Child Neuropsychology CE

AACN is pleased to offer continuing education (CE) credit to those who read an article from Child Neuropsychology (CNY) and pass a quiz based on the content.

The following lists the articles eligible for CE credit in Child Neuropsychology. Each quiz passed earns one CE credit. AACN members and affiliates may access the relevant article(s) here. The cost to take each quiz is $15 for AACN members and affiliates or $20 for non-affiliates. This reflects a 25% discount for AACN members and affiliates.

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Which childhood predictive indices forecast reading and writing skills in school-age children: a systematic review2025
A transdiagnostic examination of cognitive heterogeneity in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders2025
The diagnosis of ADHD in children and adolescents with epilepsy: a scoping review2025
Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome in Pediatric Patients with Long COVID: Associations with Mood, Anxiety, and Functional Impairment2024
Environmental Predictors of Children’s Executive Functioning Development2024
The Multifaceted Role of Neuropsychology in Pediatric Solid Organ Transplant: Preliminary Guidelines and Strategies for Clinical Practice2024
Beyond the Rubicon: a Continuum Approach to Investigating the Impact of ADHD Like Characteristics on Everyday Executive Function in Children with Tourette Syndrome2024
Neurocognition in Children with Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome: Accurate but Slow2024
Neural and behavioral indicators of cognitive control in preschoolers with and without prenatal opioid exposure2024
Executive function measured by BRIEF in adolescents diagnosed and treated for ADHD: problem profiles and agreement between informants2023
Domain-general and domain-specific cognitive correlates of developmental dyscalculia: a systematic review of the last two decades’ literature2023
Post-stroke acquired childhood aphasia. A scoping review2023
Optimizing neurodevelopmental outcomes following fetal diagnosis of congenital heart disease: a call for primary prevention neuropsychology2023
Trajectories of neurodevelopment and opportunities for intervention across the lifespan in congenital heart disease2023
The influence of methylphenidate on sustained attention in pediatric acquired brain injury: a meta-analytical review2023
Does training working memory or inhibitory control produce far-transfer improvements in set shifting for children with ADHD? A randomized controlled trial2023
Visual Selective Attention and Visual Search Performance in Children with CVI, ADHD and Dyslexia: A Scoping Review2023
A cross-cultural study of visual attention in autism spectrum disorder2023
Emotional reactivity and expressivity in young children with sex chromosome trisomies: evidence from psychophysiological and observational data2023
Higher Access to Screens is Related to Decreased Functional Connectivity Between Neural Networks Associated with Basic Attention Skills and Cognitive Control in Children2023
Persistent post-concussion symptoms in children: pre-injury social difficulties and acute stress reaction as risk factors2023
Is active video gaming associated with improvements in social behaviors in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: a systematic review2023
Neuropsychological outcomes in children and adolescents following anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis2022
Examining parent and clinician views of a hospital-based pediatric neuropsychological service: A Canadian perspective2022
Tele-Assessment of Cognitive Functions in Children: A Systematic Review2022
The Role of Distinct Executive Functions on Adaptive Behavior in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome2021
Parent Perceptions of Pediatric Neuropsychological Evaluations: A Systematic Review2021
Quantifying Visuoperceptual Profiles of Children with Cerebral Visual Impairment2021
The Contribution of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo to Processing Speed in Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumors2021
Systematic Review of Pediatric Memory Questionnaires2021
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after prenatal exposure to maternal hematological malignancies with or without cytotoxic treatment2021
Socioeconomic aspects are crucial to better intellectual outcome in early-treated adolescents with congenital hypothyroidism2021
Family Environment as a Predictor and Moderator of Cognitive and Psychosocial Outcomes in Children Treated for Posterior Fossa Tumors2021
Neuropsychological functioning and its relationship with brain anatomical measures of children and adolescents with non-syndromic cleft lip and palate2021
Social Cognition, Adaptive Functioning and Behavior Problems in Preschoolers Born Extremely Preterm2021
The Role of Family Burden on Informant Discrepancies Between Parents and Youths with Protracted Recovery from Mild Traumatic Brain Injury2021
Executive function following pediatric stroke: A systematic review2021
Cognitive and social/emotional influences on adaptive functioning in children with FASD: Clinical and cultural considerations2020
Auditory Attention Late Effects in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia2020
The Contribution of Neurocognitive Functions to Academic and Psychological Outcomes in Pediatric Cancer: A Latent Profile Analysis2020
Investigation of Children and Adolescents’ Mood and Self-Concept after Acquired Brain Injury2020
Neurotropic mechanisms in COVID-19 and their potential influence on neuropsychological outcomes in children2020
Executive functions and drawing in young children with cerebral palsy: Comparisons with typical development2020
A comprehensive examination of the memory profile of youth with Down syndrome in comparison to typically developing peers2020
A hierarchical model of cognitive flexibility in children: Extending the relationship between flexibility, creativity and academic achievement2020
Addressing the neurodevelopmental needs of children and adolescents with congenital heart disease: A review of the existing intervention literature2020
Long-term verbal memory deficit and associated hippocampal alterations in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome2020
Sustained attention and vigilance of children treated for sagittal and metopic craniosynostosis2020
Reliable Change in Pediatric Brain Tumor: A Preliminary Investigation2020
Executive Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents with Behavior Disorders and Traumatic Brain Injury2020
Measuring visual matching and short-term recognition memory with the CANTAB® Delayed Matching to Sample task in schoolchildren2020
Cognitive development in absence epilepsy during long-term follow-up2019
Parenting and the dysregulation profile predict executive functioning in children with acquired brain injury2019
Socio-economic status and the developing brain in adolescence: A systematic review2019
Targeting self-regulation and academic functioning among preschoolers with behavior problems: Are there incremental benefits to including cognitive training as part of a classroom curriculum?2019
Working memory and behavioral inhibition in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): an examination of varied central executive demands, construct overlap, and task impurity2019
Comparisons of the BRIEF parental report and neuropsychological clinical tests of executive function in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Data from the UK national specialist clinic2019
An investigation of intra-individual variability in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)2018
A new kid on the block: The Memory Validity Profile (MVP) in children with neurological conditions2019
Factors predictive of a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnosis: Parent and teacher ratings2019
A longitudinal model of executive function development from birth through adolescence in children born very or extremely preterm2019
Initiation of joint attention and related visual attention processes in infants with autism spectrum disorder: Literature review2019
Characterizing neurocognitive late effects in childhood leukemia survivors using a combination of neuropsychological and cognitive neuroscience measures2018
Assessment of executive function in ADHD adolescents: Contribution of performance tests and rating scales2018
Congenital heart disease: A primer for the pediatric neuropsychologist2018
Neurocognitive outcomes in children with unilateral basal ganglia arterial ischemic stroke and secondary hemidystonia2018
Neuropsychological outcomes of pediatric demyelinating diseases: A review2018
Clinical and functional correlates of processing speed in pediatric Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis2018
Socialization of prosocial behavior: gender differences in the mediating role of child brain volume2018
Cognitive outcomes of pediatric stroke2018
Sensitivity of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (64-Card Version) versus the Tower of London (Drexel Version) for detecting executive dysfunction in children with epilepsy2018
A longitudinal analysis of the attention networks in 6- to 11-year-old children2018
Factors predictive of a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Neuropsychological assessment2018
Attention and Executive Functioning Profiles in Children Following Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke2018
Executive functioning and its relation to ASD and ADHD symptomatology in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome2018
Executive functioning and health-related quality of life in pediatric sickle cell disease2017
Working memory outcomes following unilateral arterial ischemic stroke in childhood2017
Selecting measures for the neurodevelopmental assessment of children in low-and middle-income countries2017
Social perception in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder2017
Dorsal and ventral visual streams: Typical and atypical development2017
Performance-based and parent ratings of attention in children treated for a brain tumor: The significance of radiation therapy and tumor location on outcome2017
Parent rating of executive function in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A review of the literature and new data on Aboriginal Canadian children2017
Parental ratings of daily behavior and child cognitive test performance after pediatric mild traumatic brain injury2017
Working memory and behavioral inhibition in boys with ADHD: An experimental examination of competing models2017
Cognitive and behavioral rating measures of executive function as predictors of academic outcomes in children2017
Introducing a forced-choice recognition task to the California Verbal Learning Test – Children’s Version2017
Children’s sense of reality: The development of orbitofrontal reality filtering2017
Gestational age and gender influence on executive control and its related neural structures in preterm-born children at 6 years of age2017
Executive functions and social information processing in adolescents with severe behavior problems2017
Differences in memory functioning between children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and/or focal epilepsy2016
Parent-report and performance-based measures of executive function assess different constructs2016
Current knowledge on motor disorders in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)2016
Cumulative Neurological Factors Associated with Long-term Outcomes in Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors2016
The Effect of Age-at-Testing on Verbal Memory among Children Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury2016
Cognitive training programs for childhood cancer patients and survivors: A critical review and future directions2016
Combined cognitive and parent training interventions for adolescents with ADHD and their mothers: A randomized controlled trial2016
Sleep disturbance and neuropsychological function in young children with ADHD2016
Emotion recognition in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders2016
Sad and happy emotion discrimination in music by children with cochlear implants
Cognitive estimations of a measure of executive dysfunction in childhood epilepsy2016
Determinants of cognitive outcomes of perinatal and childhood stroke: A review2016
Performance on the Test of Memory Malingering in children with neurological conditions2016
Exploring the dynamics of design fluency in children with and without ADHD using artificial neural networks2016
Applying a traumatic stress approach to understanding PCS following pediatric mild TBI2015
Executive Functioning Deficits in Preschool Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders2015
Prenatal SSRI exposure: Effects on later child development2015
Individual cognitive patterns and developmental trajectories after preterm birth2015